Originally Posted by majicrat
I understand the family is basically extinct from reading posts on here about the family (i have no direct knowledge about Cleveland) but one thing I'm confused about is did the family die our simply because they refused to make new members? Or because Leonardo turned informer? Or the war with the Irish? It seems to me if all they had to do was make new members and the family would have made money and still exist it would have been done. If it was a shortage of Italians to choose from why not use the Genovese or Gambino connection and have them provide bodies? Has that ever been done? Just thinking out loud.

Definitely was disbanded by both choose of not made new blood and high level rats.John Scalish that becomed boss in 1944 never made anyone so when died in 1976 there was 60 made men most of which are old,the war with Greene killed other valid soldiers and the flipping of Carmen Zagaria that was running a 15 milion a year drug ring and Lonardo that was in his 70s and doesnt want to get 50 y for drug trafficking put another nail on the coffin.

The family died also because the criminals with italian surnames in Cleveland understood that to make money isnt necessary a LCN family and that will have more light sentences if the LE can use the LCN for use the RICO.