Originally posted by Patrick:
The US Constitution calls for the separation of church and state. My question is this: How come I can go into a government building and see a Cross? A picture of Jesus? The 10 Commandments? The answer is simple. I can see all of these things in government buildings, especially courts, because our courts are violating the US Constitution.

Nobody has the right to put any sort of religion into a government run or owned building. It's outrageous that people can defend this. I have a question for those of you who are alright with the 10 Commandments in a court. Would you be alright if this same court put the Koran in view for everyone to see? The Hebrew Holy book?

Look, I am not offended when I see the 10 Commandments, as I am a Roman Catholic; however, it's against the US Constitution and it can offend people who aren't Christian or don't believe in God. When a government building has ANY religious symbol up, it's almost as if tax dollars are used to promote this religion. It isn't right and it should be stopped. I wish the ACLU good luck in getting every court and government building to take down all religious symbols. -Pat
Just a little nit-pickery here. THe Ten Commandments were given to Moses, and the whole episode takes place in the Old Testimate, therefore putting the Ten Commandments in a building is exactly like putting something from the Hebrew holy book.

And to extrapolate further, both Christianity and Moslem beliefs stemmed from the Old Testimate, therefore they all make use of the Ten Commandments either directly, as is the case with Christianity, or indirectly like in Moslem religions.

Besides, the statues of the Ten Commandments aren't the government's way of pushing religion. The Ten Commandments were an important step in the creation of modern law, much like Hamurabbi's Code of Laws, which are also in many court rooms.

Finally, the symbol of justice, you know, the blindfolded woman with the scales, comes from Greco-Roman mythology, thus it too is a religious symbol, so where's the protest about that? This is just a misguided attack on Christian religion that doesn't really have a lot of backing in logic.

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