Originally Posted by jace
Originally Posted by Louiebynochi
Nothing to do w today’s times..the kids today have no morals or backbone and they’re all weak mentally most of all. BUT I lump rats in with mobsters,they’re all scumbags. The only thing I’ll say is the ones that are fathers that are rats are slightly less scumbags than the guys that don’t rat and go to prison. Anyone that chooses fake friends and prison life over they’re children is lower than scum. To take prison especially in this day and age with the way the life is and the people that inhabitant it,. Is beyond idiotic it’s complete indifference to your children and says you don’t give a fuck about your real family all you care about it social status and money and power in the mob......

You hide behind the children argument all the time, but that there is dumb. They rat, after not being forced into the life but choosing it, then they sent away friends who have kids to save their own ass---not their children's, theirs. They are selfish cowards, and if you want to argue children, a lot of kids have fathers in prison due to rats, many of whom have done worse crimes than the people they rat on!

We’re talking about Pennisi. He wasn’t facing any jail time. And a lot of us made big mistakes when we were younger and once your involved in murders and the mob there’s only two ways out. Death or ratting. Sometimes we make decisions when we’re younger and naïveté only to regret them later but what’s done is done and you can’t take it back. These people aren’t friends with each other. You don’t rip off your friends, constantly lie to them and secretly plot their murder...Lucky Luciano was a rat, it’s a rat life especially today. The code makes no sense, you can kill your “friends” and Enemies, you can steal from them, you can kill they’re family members but you can’t tell on them. That’s crossing the line. Especially when 90% of these guys tell atleast on they’re enemies... so many people are dry snitching on the competition it’s not even funny and if you don’t believe that then you have seen to many movies....Your talking about people that kill they’re own family members to get ahead...

Last edited by Louiebynochi; 05/09/21 02:19 AM.

A March 1986 raid on DiBernardo's office seized alleged "child pornography and financial records." As "a result of the Postal Inspectors seizures [a federal prosecutor] is attempting to indict DiBernardo on child pornography violations" according to an FBI memo dated May 20, 1986.
Thousands of pages of FBI Files that document his involvement in Child Porn