I don't anybody here is advocating a career as a mobster. The mob is also not necessarily an easy lifestyle despite what people may think.

But there are many jobs and vocations that also can and do also pull you away from your kids for long periods of time like long haul truckers, military, or guys with jobs oversees to name but a few. Those also separate you from your kids under the guise of 'business.'
But I take a little approach and different view when it comes to stool pigeons and rats.

In this life I believe that you should act like a man. And it takes many things in order to BE a man. One of which is that sometimes you need to do unpleasant things, and suck it up, which includes taking your medicine when you fuck up or make a mistake. Not shirking that responsibility onto the backs of others so that you can 'weasel' out of taking that medicine. Its called 'passing the buck' to the guy next to you because you don't have the backbone and balls (in plain English) to stand up and BE the man you're supposed to be!

And there is NO excuse in the world for NOT standing up like a man. I don't wanna hear 'oh well I have little kids and a wife at home so I can't go to jail and leave them without me.'
Because you know what? That OTHER guy who you're gonna rat on. He's got a young wife and little kids of his own at home who need him too! So stop the bullshit already!

These are all things that you should have thought about BEFORE you signed up to be a street guy. You KNEW this day might come. So don't be surprised if and when it does come.

Pack your toothbrush and surrender to the joint they assigned you to, and go do your fucking time like the man you're supposed to be! The man you professed to be!

End of story!

PS: And yes today the underworld is more treacherous and much less 'honorable' (if thats even the proper word) that years ago. But nothing has changed in that if you signed up for it, then live it! Don't strut around like a tough guy reaping the benefits, and then collapse like an accordion as soon as the shit hits the fan.

BE A FUCKING MAN!...... all these rats are an embarrassment for God's sakes!