Lots of these chumps defending rats on here were more than likely the teacher's pet at school and are the boss's ass kissers and snitches at work. Birds of a feather flock together, so when you show contempt towards these rats it strikes a nerve with these mutts. I bet they volunteer to be their neighborhood crime stoppers and have 911 on speed dial. Nobody likes snitches, and speaking of being okay with crime, you're not okay with the Mafia committing crime but never mind how the government commits every crime the mob does but on a much larger scale! Hypocrites. And the "criminals" who don't rat are better than those who do, they stood up and faced the music and that's honorable! And by the way, this site is called gangsterbb.net, not bootlickerbb.net or pro-governmentbb.net or coploverbb.net. STOP GLORIFYING RATS! STOP GLORIFYING SNITCHING!