I guess my weighting system was mostly based on photographic evidence ---although Anastasia under the towel isn't the greatest--- but hell he was the Lord High Executioner and if they hadn't killed him there would had been hell to pay.

Bruno with his mouth open is the most gruesome and iconic images of mob life, followed by Castellano/Bilotti and then Galante (which may be the most amazing picture ever taken consider the subject matter, the cigar and the angle from the roof top)

Then I looked at the positions they held, hence Gallo not be included, since he was not a boss and there was no major transfer of power.

In every case with these hits there was a huge swing in power and control that fractured the family in every case but Don Carlo taking over and having a pretty easy transition which wasn't the case for the Gotti, the Philly factions and or the Bonnano clan as the 3 capo murders happened after the Galante.

"In onore della Famiglia la Famiglia e' aperta"