" the one innocent person killed was not on purpose and he probably did regret it" One of, if not the best apologist lines I've read. LMAO. Oh, then I'm sure his family feels much better knowing their teenage son was killed unintentionally by gangster gun fire. You're better off just saying you disagreed with me because that is some funny stuff. I happen to think they should all do the time they're given. I've never waivered from that except I do go back and forth about Bobby Manna. But if he dies in prison so be it. What's the expression, "Don't do the crime if you can't do the time". Again zero sympathy for these killers. These guys all live the tough guy life on the outside, girls, money and the many tangible items at our expense., Then they go to jail and get old we should feel bad? Sorry how about this, dont get caught or even better don't go criminal.