To ask an organized crime syndicate to never ever murder when people get out of line just isn't realistic. Look at the murders of Lawrence Ricci, Ralph Coppola, and Anthony Seccafico to name a few modern-day ones, still unsolved. Murders will get solved, guys will go away for life, other murders will go unsolved for decades if ever solved at all. It's just the name of the game, but to hope for a genteel criminal organization that never uses murder just because some guys may go away for life is just too much. Randolph Pizzolo was really whacked at a bad time, they should've waited a few years for the Massino-flipping affair to run its course. They whacked the guy right in the midst of the entire Bonanno administration rolling over. On a side note though, Massino had a pretty long run for this day and age, he lasted almost a decade and a half, longer than Gotti and Amuso before him.