Originally Posted by Lenox
Imagaine if the FBI found anabolic steroids and ecstacy in Rudy’s apartments.


This is clearly a move to distract about the allegations made against John "swampmonster 2.0" Kerry and smash political dissent. This is what they do. They get accused of something, they have a distraction all cued up. Remember when Nancy got caught breaking all those protocols and not wearing a mask in the salon during the height of the pandemic? That very night there was a story where "anonymous source" claimed they heard Trump say that wounded veterans were an embarrassment? Then that quickly turned into round 79 of "he should step down!!!! He's not fit for office! We love the troops! (riiiiight)" "he should be impeached!!!!" from the Left?

Last edited by Goldy; 04/29/21 09:53 AM.