3 More Gangland Killings Bring Total to 6 in 5 Days

Two more men were slain in gangland style here yesterday a few hours before a cortege of black Cadillacs escorted the body of Joseph Gallo, the murdered Mafia chieftain, to his grave in Brooklyn.

Early this morning, the ;police announced that yet another man had been found slain in gangland style. This victim, whose body was discovered at 10:30 last night in an automobile in the Sheepshead Bay section of Brooklyn, was still not identified at 3 o'clock this morning.

The two victims who were identified were Gennaro Ciprio, who was killed outside his restaurant in the Bath Beach section of Brooklyn, and Frank Ferriano. a New Jersey laundryman, whose 340‐pound body was found in a lower West Side parking lot.

Both men had arrest records, both had been shot in the head, and both were found with large sums of money in their pockets. The police said this showed the motive for their murders was revenge, not robbery.
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“Perhaps we're getting a rash of Mafia killings, like you get a rash of hijackings or bombings.” said Deputy Police Commissioner Robert Daley, “but there's no indication yet that these guys are related to the Gallo killing.”

The unidentified man found last night was in a parking lot in front of 2800 Coyle Street with a number of bullet wounds one of them in the back of his head, according to the police. They said they had been led to his body by an anonymous male caller who had telephoned the Brooklyn homicide squad and said, “If you are interested in the Gallo case, go to the parking lot at 2800 Coyle Street.”

Police sources said the victim was fuly clothed, wearing an expensive watch and carrying less than $50 in cash. The police said he had been beaten before he was shot.

The head of the Federal anticrime strike force in Brooklyn, Denis Dillon, said that Ciprio was an associate of Gallo's chief rival, Joseph A. Colombo Sr. But he said Ciprio was not a member of the Colombo Mafia organization.

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Early in the day some police officials said that Ciprio fit the description of Gallo's unknown killer, who was in his 40's and had a bald spot in front. But later the police said Ciprio was in his 30's and had a full head of lustrous black hair.
There was no immediate comment about the deaths from Police Commissioner Patrick V. Murphy or Chief of Detectives Albert A. Seedman. They spent yesterday attending a convention of police chiefs in the New York Hilton.

Gallo, who was known as Crazy Joe, was killed early Friday as he was celebrating his 43d birthday in a Mulberry Street restaurant one block south of Police Headquarters. Two lesser gangland figures, Bruno Carnevale and Thomas Edwards, were assassinated on Thursday.

As of yesterday evening, the police had made only one arrest in the latest killings. They charged Gallo's bodyguard, Peter Diapoulas, with illegal possession of a handgun after he was wounded in the Millberry Street shooting.

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A $5,000 Bronze Coffin

Diapoulas winced from the pain of his hip wound as he took a scat in one of 13 rented limousines that followed the hearse bearing Gallo's $5,000 bronze coffin to its burial site in Greenwood Cemetery.

High police officials said there were no mourners from the Colombo or Gambino clans —two Mafia families that have long competed with the Gallo family.

“This’ is‐surprising, and it could indicate a lack of esteem,” one Mafia expert said. Others said it reflected tension in the underworld in the wake of Gallo's death.

Carlo Gambino, the so‐called “boss‐of bosses” in the Mafia, was questioned by the police last summer after the near fatal shooting of Joseph A. Colombo, head of the Colombo clan. So was Joseph Gallo.
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Since then Gambino has avoided the limelight, and a police spokesman declined to say whether he had been questioned again about Gallo's murder.

Opponents of the Gallo family are known to have passed out cigars in the Colombo‐dominated section. of Brooklyn after Gallo was killed. And cemetery attendants said Gallo family members had asked to have a tent put up beside the grave yesterday, shielding them from the view of police cameramen or persons who might wish them ill.

About 50 mourners—the men in black coats, the women in furp and shawls—took places in and around the tent as two priests performed a brief graveside service.

Reached at Brooklyn diocesan headquarters, an aide to Bishop Francis J. Mugavero said that in past years the policy was that obsequies for persons whose lives had been touched by scandal should be “as private as possible.” But in recent years, he said, the policy has been somewhat relaxed.

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As the priests led the mourners in the Lord's Prayer, Gallo's sister, Mrs. Carmella Fiorello, fainted. One priest fell silent, in dismay, but the mourners prayed on as a relative held Mrs. Fiorello in place on her chair.

Gallo's surviving brother, Albert, was impassive and so was Gallo's widow, Sina, who was wearing dark glasses.

She held the hand of her 10‐year‐old daughter by an earlier marriage. The little girl had been in the Mulberry Street restaurant when Gallo was killed” and she had laid roses in his coffin with a ribbon marked “Love, Lisa.”
Mother Breaks Down

After the service, Gallo's mother, Mrs. Mary Gallo, hurled herself on the gilded coffin, sobbing: “My. baby, my son.” She was carried gently off to her Cadillac.

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Other mourners — including Jerry Orbach, the actor, and his wife — filed past, placing individual flowers on the bronze coffin, which was marked “Joseph Gallo.”

Then they drove away, leaving the hillside gravesite empty, except for green‐clad gravediggers and a group of Federal and local law‐enforcement officials who looked on from a little distance, beyond a budding tree.

Cemetery attendants said the officials had filmed the occasion from a panel truck. High police officials refused to comment, but one said: “Of course, this kind of funeral has been big deal for us, ever since Prohibition days.”

Mr. Daley said there was “cautious optimism” among the police over their chances for solving the Gallo slaying. He said that some of the more than a dozen witnesses who had been in the restaurant were cooperating and that some were not.

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Fingerprints Found

He declined to say what, if any, clues had stemmed from fingerprints found at the murder scene.

Speaking of the two men found dead earlier yesterday, Mr. Daley said, “There's no question these guys have criminal connections going back years.” Ciprio had been arrested eight times, and Mr. Ferriano only once—on a concealed weapons charge in 1958.
Ciprio was shot as he left his restaurant at 2:45 A.M. He fell, face down, and was later found to be carrying $1,300 and a.38caliber pistol.

Mr. Ferriano was wearing work clothes when his body was found, lying face up, behind a shack in the parking lot at 41 Dominick Street. He was unarmed but was carrying $100 in bills.

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“He Was a big guy, built like a wrestler,” said.a truck driver, Ed Duer, who saw the corDte. It took eight policemen to lift it into an ambulance.

Commissioner Daley said the police investigation would now spread to New Jersey, since Mr. Ferriano had lived there. And speaking of both murders, Mr. Daley said: “They, may be just people settling private scores.”

Last edited by Louiebynochi; 04/28/21 02:25 AM.

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