Originally Posted by Malavita
- Frédéric Graziani

Corsican Actor Frederic Graziani was very close to the Corsican Mob.

He played a Corsican Mobster in the French TV show Mafiosa (centered on the Corsican mafia) and then played a corrupt prison guard who helps the Corsican inmates in one of the best French movie ever "A Prophet".

In 2011, He took part, alongside high ranking members of the Corsican Mafia, in the take over of a Paris gambling club. It happened just like in the movie, Graziani and a dozen Corsican gangsters went to the Club and told the owner and the staff that they were now running things. Incidentally, his character in Mafiosa did exactly the same thing.

- Michel Ferraci

Another Corsican actor with strong ties to the Corsican Mob. For some time, he was the actual manager of one the biggest Paris gambling Club (There are about 6 or 7 legal Gambling clubs in paris ans they have always been controlled by the Corsican Mafia).

Yeah, these guys were figureheads. Corsican organized crime has always been savvy at infiltrating the legitimate world. After their heroin trafficking days were over, they started making a ton of money by "influencing" legal gambling establishments. How they exactly do this, I don't really know, but their acumen in that racket is still next to none.