I did not know how to show a you tube clip.. john elite talks very highly of joe merlino. and elite said he does not like gangsters he thinks thier fakes liars and sissys. He claimed to turn down a hit from a ny family to kill joe merlino... i cant believe i just forgot the family name or the guy joey had disagreement with.. joey was selling trees on oregon ave.. but elite said he ran a company for the ny guys. but elite thought joey was a fair guy and very true to his friends. so he could not do the hit and he was never in the life or a mob guy. he just owned two night clubs. he has a home in vorhees nj he said was 10million wow... i thought he was mostly honest. he said he would fight any where and fought a lot in prison for guys getting outnumbered. he didnt seem like a gangster just owned some night clubs and small parking garage.. i thought that date was about a week ago.. i am so sorry i cannot find a way to post elites interview from you tube..