Originally Posted by VitoCahill
as far as which families will survive i agree w/ posters about the nyc fams consolidating.
genovese,gambinos and bonannos will continue.
genovese is too strong and influential w/ a large membership and a legacy of actually being a secretive society.
gambinos and bonannos both have a historical connection back to sicily as well as some current connections to 'ndrangheta clans.
both families have also shown a current working relationship with each other as some past indictments have shown.

the colombos and lucchese do not have these connections.some past indictments show that they were together and in some cases w/ local street gangs.
the leadership of these families would compare to some capos in the other 3 families.
lucchese w/ a jailed for life boss and his on the street sycophants and basically the same kind of situation amongst the colombos.
these 2 families will some day be absorbed into the other 3 or combine to form 1 small family with little power or influence.
if either of these 2 had good leadership they would be trying to establish rackets in open cities anywhere near the east coast.
as a prev poster said what is to stop a group of random italians from starting there own family in a defunct city?
what is to stop an established family from doing the same?
oh right leadership,talent,ambition...etc.
why can't say the lucchese if they r so powerful a family not send an experienced group of some made members to pittsburgh to take over some rackets?
if these cities r so wide open it should be a cakewalk for a mafioso no.

They would have to know who the gangsters are and be able to approach them and that would cause serious heat for extortion and they would be wrapped up quickly and for them to start theyre own operations they would have know enough customers to support a drug business or a shy business etc etc. it’s not grand theft and your not gonna kill a gangster and take theyre business..what are you gonna say as the previous guys murderer I’m taking over and how would you know who they’re customers were and if it’s a shy business, who they owe and where they live,there’s not gonna be detailed records like a spreadsheet for a company...

Last edited by Louiebynochi; 03/12/21 08:45 AM.

A March 1986 raid on DiBernardo's office seized alleged "child pornography and financial records." As "a result of the Postal Inspectors seizures [a federal prosecutor] is attempting to indict DiBernardo on child pornography violations" according to an FBI memo dated May 20, 1986.
Thousands of pages of FBI Files that document his involvement in Child Porn