*** ADDED after post. no matter what I do, when I enter these 2 men's last names, Gangster BB automatically edits out all the letters to dashes? Can someone tell me why?

John R------ was/is? a very rich and powerful Colombo soldier. It is very hard to find much on him and I couldn't find any threads on him either. I know he made his fortune in the car and restaurant business in New York and Florida and I'm sure found a few other ways to bring in a few side bucks too. He originally built a house in NY which is now considered the most expensive mansion in Brooklyn worth about 30 million. I see he's now advertising himself for private speaking events


S------- was also in the car business and then moved onto building and selling 100 million plus yachts. His net worth has been said to be 500 Million.

I believe both flipped from Orena to Persico during the Colombo war. I've never heard much else about them, tho I did once hear they each used to kick up a flat Million per year one time a year. My question is, are these the 2 richest modern day Mafioso? Also, anything else known on these 2 would be very interesting to me! How did they come up, did they make their bones etc

thanks fellas!

Last edited by GaspipeCasso; 03/09/21 05:14 AM.

Send word to Vladimir that you have his money, that he should come to the club tomorrow. We'll take care of the rest