Originally Posted by Giacomo
Dante mentions an important detail: Mikey Lance was down for the count for quite a while with cancer, at pretty much exactly the time that the crimes alleged in these recent indictments were taking place. Also, there's something to be said for living in a modest row home and taking a low-key vacation or two down the shore in the summer, and otherwise staying the fuck out of the Saloon.

He was well enough to be the acting boss and be active( he wouldnt be the acting boss if he was sick he would have been demoted) he was sick around 2013 not by 2015 when Persiano was wearing a wire, and induct people into the mob and hes avoided indictments since 1994...I think everyone is avoiding the obvious

Can someone logically explain these questions and answer them in the context of them being taken in theyre totality(meaning when you add all of the questions and evidence together)
How did he avoid indictment for being a shooter when Ralph Natale and Tommy Scafidi said he plotted to murder Stanfa and was one of the shooters in the Joey Chang Hit?
How did he avoid indictment in the early 2000s case when everyone else in that crew was indicted except for Gaeton Lucbibello who was indicted in 1994 and 2011?
How did he interact with Ron Previte time and time again including dozens of pictures with him and avoid indictment in the 2000 case?
How did he have the charges dropped by the state police in the Borgata case in 2008 because he was "misidentified" on the wiretaps and that it was a "different michael" directing Dom Grande and Anthony Nicodemo and Andrew Micali?
How did he assualt a guy with a beer bottle and then punch a guy in the face in front of a cop and only get probation,anger management and a $187 fine?
How did he avoid indictment in 2011 when he was all over the wiretaps between Licata and Fazzini and descriped as a "caporegime" and present at multiple induction ceremonys in the early 2000s and 2008?
How did he avoid indictment in the current case when he was recorded by a cooperating witness inducting him into the mob and called "the acting boss" and they discussed extorting bookmakers and loan sharks and his capos and soldiers dealt drugs including a soldier who has plead guilty to it, to selling to an undercover agent, when taken into account that every single other person at the ceremony has been indicted multiple times??

Last edited by Louiebynochi; 03/02/21 07:36 PM.

A March 1986 raid on DiBernardo's office seized alleged "child pornography and financial records." As "a result of the Postal Inspectors seizures [a federal prosecutor] is attempting to indict DiBernardo on child pornography violations" according to an FBI memo dated May 20, 1986.
Thousands of pages of FBI Files that document his involvement in Child Porn