Originally Posted by NYMafia
You are correct BlackMobs. But today, more than ever before, ratting has become almost an "accepted" and "honorable" thing if I dare say so! Its friggin disgusting that these hardens don't even think twice before opening up on their friends and associates.

Like its expected today! It's becoming a sicker and sicker world every day. Where being a "rat" is no big deal anymore.

In my time, a Rat? A "stool pigeon" as we used to call them, was the lowest form of life. A complete dishonorable piece of shit to be despised by everyone. Even their own blood families.

Today? Lol.... Don't even get me started!

Yes you right, like most of the movies about gangsters are on gangsters that have snitch. Also, many vlog or podcast on youtube are from criminals that have ratted