A lot of fuzz is made when there's snitching in the Mafia, but people tend to forget there are A LOT of rats in cartels too. There's a ton of snitching in that world, whether you're in the Mob, a drug cartel, a street/prison/biker gang or any other kind of organized crime group.

In that respect, the longevity of a Mafia crime family is astonishing. For instance the Gambino's have been around since the 1910's.
Compared to this, a cartel's demise is relatively fast. The Guadalajara cartel for instance lasted about 10 years, the Medellin and Cali cartels each about 20 years...plenty of other cartels stick around for a while longer, but with an extremely reduced power.

The Mob has been ingrained in pop culture, so it's tempting for people to have a bit of "schadenfreude" about the amount of rats the Mob has to deal with - but it doesn't hurt to realize that the same amount (maybe even moreso) of ratting is going on in any type of criminal organization.