Originally Posted by Njein
Originally Posted by NYMafia
As per your request njein, your wish is my command! Lol.... hope you enjoy it.


Thank you, sir!

One quick question though: did Angelo Bruno or Ray Patriarca ever deal with Vic Cotroni, or did they have to go through Bonanno/Galante in order to tap into Montreal?

I don't have any info pointing to that. But traditionally, a capo di decina (which is what Vic Cotroni was), doesn't reach out to a boss of another family, especially one who isn't even in his general territory, but actually in another country like Patriarca and Bruno were.

He needs to go through proper channels and contact his administration. They in turn would reach out to another boss if they even deemed Cotroni's request noteworthy enough.

Thats proper protocol.