I have never heard of any Mob presence in Ottawa. It's not a big city, little under a million people, and to my knowledge doesn't have a particularly robust Italian population. With Montreal being so close by, I'm sure that would be the dominant influence on anything going on in the City, if there is any activity at all.

It's worth noting that Liberal MP Alfonso Gagliano was the federal Minister of Public Works in the '90s and was revealed in Sal Vitale's testimony to have been introduced to him in the early '90's as a "friend of ours" by another member of the Rizzuto clan. In the interests of being apolitical, Conservative politician and one time opposition leader John Reynolds was often rumoured to have associations with the mafia as well out on the West Coast, where the Rizzutos have traditionally had representation through the Papalia brothers and a small street crew that no longer exists now.

In the city of Ottawa itself, it's a government/university town - I wouldn't think there's a whole lot going on that would give rise to a lot of traditional rackets. Certainly not that would be worth the mob's time.