
I was around a lot when Scarf inc was getting off the ground and its true they knew next to nothing about the business . Many other contractors said stuff about there work in the beginning.

But Vince was in the mob ... and telling mob guys ...he was not made but definitely profiting from it ... so it that world they thought it was justified..... but sorry it was not .... they should of taking mony or equipment and given a beating. Vince was a piece of shit .

Salerno was not mob material .... if not for them trying so desperately to build a crew here he would of never been looked at twice .... lots of Nicks problems were Nicks problems.

The laborers at Scarf inc were local guys and a couple had worked for other contractors before and thats how they were learning.... Phil never had a calais on his hand other then carrying and playing with a basketball and same with Chris the only thing Chrissy did was surfing and yes everyone called him Chrissy back then .

Nicks wife’s brother and JP father knew more then any of the .... JP’s father was a excellent bricklayer. And another cat named Bruno .... not the old boss . Bruno was a 250 lb Italian and good dude.

Phil’s wife that he calls Maria her brothers were laborers for Scarf inc one went on into the union and was on the job at the Trop when it collapsed and got paid $$$ but could never work again .

Last edited by Serpiente; 02/27/21 12:44 PM.

Cackling like a banty Rooster.

I love this," "I just love this."