Who's saying it?? It means absolutely nothing in the scheme of our discussion. Even law enforcement doesn't "really" know, until they really know.

And that usually comes from arrests. Until they crack a network, LE is also often in the dark. Without a rat (who's inside such as a made guy, or top associates turning informant), who's gonna know this information??

Right or wrong?

I tell you this. Read the names I wrote, check the names out to see if they are still alive, which if they are in they're 60's and 70s they should be. They're documented involvement with the KC crew has been confirmed in the past.

So where's the problem here? Why are we still debating? If there is 20-30 known guys (made and close associates), young enough to still be bouncing around........(and its been shown to you). Thats it!!!

They're booking sports, gambling, some shylocking, and organized. They're a CREW! end of story

Last edited by NYMafia; 02/24/21 09:30 AM.