In my opinion, among the more foolish, or downright stupid mobsters to ever be affiliated with the Lucchese crew was;
1) Giovanni (Big John) Ormento; a hardened, thrice-convicted, interstate heroin smuggler, trafficker and wholesaler. No matter how much public exposure and law enforcement scrutiny he received, from local NYPD, FBI, and FBN (federal narcotics bureau), Ormento simply could not stop handling narcotics.

He had served several prison terms for heroin in the past, and was notorious in NYC. Yet, he just kept on trucking like he didn't have a care in the world.

Or course that was before he was nabbed, tried and convicted, and sent away for 40 years in the federal penitentiary!..... he later died in jail, never hitting the streets again.
2) John (Johnny Dio) Dioguardi; Another top Lucchese member, and arguably the most notorious and prolific labor racketeer and extortionist in the United States. Despite a criminal record dating to his teens, with over 15 arrests for everything from throwing stink bombs, and felony assault, to labor extortion, union corruption, bribery, and bankruptcy fraud. Johnny Did was a #1 hood.

With matinee-idol good looks, and dressed to the "T," Dio became the poster boy to the public of what mafia racketeers were supposed to look like.

Within a 15-year period. He sustained numerous arrests, convictions, and jailing's. It all culminated with a 30-50 year "bribery and extortion" prison sentence.....but he saw it coming. He HAD to have seen it coming!....Johnny Dio died behind prison walls.
3) Paul Vario Sr.; with over 35 arrests spanning almost forty years, Paulie was a dyed-in-the-wool hoodlum. He rose from a lowly hood in East New York, to become one of the most powerful mafiosi in Brooklyn and LI, and especially Long Island. But he fell so many times, for so many crimes, and did so much jail time, that it's almost incalculable. Mind-boggling in fact!

He eventually reached a status where he could have laid back, and let others go to the front for him. But he did Not!.....He too ended up dying behind bars.
Three TOP mafiosi, who had the world by the short hairs I might add. Who had reached a pinnacle in their chosen careers where they could have lived out their lives intelligently. Maybe allowing others around them to earn a few measly dollars, instead of them hoarding it all. But NO, their greed and ego required them to try and grab it all. Which required them to step up to the front.

And there in lies the problem!......Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!.....up and down the line!

Last edited by NYMafia; 02/19/21 02:12 PM.