Originally Posted by NYMafia
Originally Posted by hoodlum
I alway's thought about that...& i always liked Sonny Black...I think (& know) what u just stated is not only true...but he would be around 2 day if he played his cards right....He even might have enough tough power & sense 2 beat all odds..(Massino & Co.)...the commision is is another story....he could have ran 2 fuckin' Aruba & lived high on the hog on some deserted beach in a rinky dink shack 4 the rest of his life running some kinda bullshit scam 2 get him through...

However he would have ended up is still better than being murdered, getting your hands chopped off, and then found in some abandoned ditch. Am I right hoodlum? Lol

Henry hill summed the mentality of that life pretty well. Anyway else to live was for suckers. Sonny black would rather die than to eat pasta with ketchup in a trailer park in Alabama. The 10 or so years they get to live "That Life" on "Top of the World" is better than a hundred years as a working class stiff getting up everyday at a set time making shit money.

That's their mentality, but myself I'm a working class stiff with a family. I never knew different, but if I ever got a taste of that life Id probably think the same way. YOLO! Wanna party most nights, wake up when you want, drinks, dinner concerts,fancy cars nice women, wads of cash in your pocket for nice hotels? Live life on the edge? Who would choose a 9 to 5?f give me a half a chance I'd take 10 years of the high life and a bullet to the head as opposed to 40 years of a regular job/life then dying of a heart attack.