One more thing we"ll were at it.

If Sonny Black took off before the indictment came down. Yes! He would have had an open case against him. Of course!

But he could have stayed out on the lam. Waited till he saw what ALL his codefendants got after trial. And then made a deal to come (just like my friend did). He most likely could have worked a better deal for himself, even if he had to do a bid, than being in the dock with everybody and taking his chance up front with the rest of them... Thats a fact!

But the BIGGEST benefit here is that he would not have been around to get called in and get slaughtered. Fuck Joe Massino, that fat fuck stool pigeon. And fuck all of those assholes who hurt him.

If Sonny could come back from the grave today and do it all over again. With what he's seen transpire in the last 20 years. What do you think he would say and do? LOL

And don't give me that baloney about he's all Cosa Nostra. He was a respectful guy who believed in the life. You saw how far it got him right?

His kid got all fucked up after his death. The kid went down the drain. And he hurt his personal blood family for a bunch of guys who didn't give two fucks about him.

NO smart, savvy, mafioso is walking in. I know a few other guys who did the same thing. Went to their deaths for no reason. Why???

Because they were the few good guys among a sea of scumbags. The true believers. Sad

And they were NOT thinking straight at the time.

Nah. Sonny Black could have, and should have, taken off for all the reasons I enumerated above.

He would have lived, even if he had to do a short jail term down the pike.

It was a waste.