I call bullshit. He wouldn't have ratted, and the point is that he DIDN'T rat, so at the end of the day the fact that you believe he would've ratted doesn't matter. His reason for writing the book was to justify and explain away his way of life, to try to convince the public that he was part of something honorable. He was facing zero charges and had zero reason to rat with a book, not a single guy who went down in the Commission case was mentioned in the book, mostly everyone mentioned were long dead. Also, Massino wasn't "facing" the death penalty, the government bluffed him. Anyone who thinks a mobster is going to get the death penalty in a state like NY for killing another gangster when you have people running around killing helpless grandmas and not getting the death penalty needs their head examined. Also, Corallo, Salerno, Santoro, Furnari, Persico, Langella, and the rest of that bunch all took their 100-year sentences with pride and honor, I have no reason to believe that Bonanno wouldn't have done the same. Funny how the numerous people who take their sentences like a man don't make the front pages but rats are on every front page in the country lol what the fu** is the world coming to.

Last edited by DillyDolly; 02/15/21 06:20 AM.