Originally Posted by NYMafia
Originally Posted by DillyDolly
Because others like Al D'Arco went running to the feds in such situations, like a child running to his momma. It's refreshing to see someone flex their gangster machismo and face the consequences of the life they chose, because so many never do. It's said that John Nardi of Cleveland's last words after getting blown up was, "It didn't hurt." People love stuff like that.

I heard ya. And I agree that it's virtuous.

But you gotta remember that when you read about these things from the comfort and safety of your den chair, its cool. But in real life, not reel life, when you're the guy that's gonna actually get the two in the head, it no longer looks so attractive.

In reality, in real life. Don't become a rat like D'Arco did. That was more stupid than anything else. Especially that he wasn't even facing any criminal charges at the time he flipped.

But just disappear like I said. Take your cash (provided that you have enough) and take off!

Most of these neighborhood guys that would track you don't know where they're going once they leave Brooklyn or Downtown NY anyhow. So just fly to Hawaii, Europe, or some other far off place and wait it out. Had he done so, Sonny Black would be alive today.

Truth be told, I don't think Al D'Arco had enough funds to do what I'm saying even if he had wanted to. He was half-broke. Even after he became capo, because even though he was now earning well. He only got to stay in that position less than a few years before the trouble hit. So he may have even thought that way, but couldn't pull it off with short money.

So he went the other way, and ran to the FBI

Take off like Enrico Ponzi? Moved to Idaho to be a goat herder or rancher or some shit. Sure you bought yourself 17 years of freedom. Looking over your shoulder but eventually you're gonna get caught.