Someone told the guy he was Moe ha ha ha.My dumbass was gullible enough to believe the guy.I mean who gets on here and puts the time and energy into that.A few years back samething.Someone posted a "wiretap" of Gotti and Frankie Loc.Nobody had ever heard the tape before.But everyone believed it.It was good.All made up.An entire conversation he had Gotti saying stuff like "it's a fuckin winter wonderland out here Frankie" the shit was good.Someone finally caught on and called his bs.Goodjob on this guy here forum members calling him out.Really yhe Gotti wiretap was funny.The guy was just doing a joke.This guy that started this thread is very very lonely.You need help man

Last edited by MemphisMafia; 02/14/21 06:31 AM.