Originally Posted by CabriniGreen
Something I couldnt wrap my head around.....

Scoppa was said to be worth 20 million liquid. He didnt do any gambling operations that they mentioned in the book. Or really any other big rackets, he had a couple companies, I forget which ones right now. But he said he ONLY made 2 grand off of every kilo, yet hes described as one of, if not the biggest importers. This made very little sense to me, especially considering he was directly controlling street operations, so not just wholesaling.

What was your take on that?

Any stories on Ducarme Joseph you would like to share would be great...

I gotta find the articles, but there were some murders in Montreal, amongst street gangs that I believe were tied to some of Sal Scoppas old territory. I thought it coincidental that Greg Whooley was recently released. He was caught on wire wanting Sal Scoppa dead. I wondered if he wasnt consolidating territory, also if hes still close to Sollecito, and if the pact still holds.

Who do you think the Mafia people in Toronto are? Italy? That really threw me off....

Well everything he said about himself (scopoa) in the book, I tend not to believe everything. He’s the kind to minimise his involvment in some cases. So I guess, he wont say everything to felix. If the media say he was the biggest or one of the biggest drud dealer in Canada, he most of made more than what ws said in the book.

For Ducarme, alot of rumorw were said in Montreal, specialy is old neigborhood saint-michel. I lived in saint-michel for about two years, and you heard alot bout him, before his death and after. Rumors about his previous wars, how his old crew were money makers but also some of the best killers in the city (I guess thats why he was so feared), and also rumors about who set him up.

And the murder of Street gangs members and Scoppa is probably right. Two gangs members were killed (reds), and the two looked like they were involved with Scoppa. Probably members of his crew made of lebaneses, haitians and some italians. Look like they were all involved in the heroin drug trade.

I wonder if Wooley had something to do with all that, since he was released probably days or weeks before