Originally Posted by DillyDolly
There's already enough material out there that points to a conspiracy, why would I bother so many have already done better than I could. Do your research, if you don't see by now everything is controlled, then there isn't any hope. Put on your They Live shades and wake up to the truth, it's all around you.

DillyDolly,my intention is not to engage in a disrespectful discussion with you,and for my part,I apologize if I became defensive or even offensive.

I did mention that at one time,I subscribed to the conspiracy theory. Then as I began to do further research,making sure to keep an open mind and to draw conclusions based on what I could verify independently ,My position changed.

The Bugliosi book satisfied many of my outstanding questions and I only mentioned it because I think that it is a landmark work on the subject. Of course anyone is free to agree or disagree, but would it really be a bad idea to at least read it first? You may still feel the way you do,and I respect that. I only put it out there because I believe that in a search for truth, the more info we have access to,the better we can justify our position.

If you get the book,and decide that it's a load of crap,suitable only for target practice,then so be it. You've made an informed decision based on actual knowledge. Regardless of what opinion you may have of the book,I will respect your right to hold that opinion. I just thought that it would be a good resource and only put it out there for that purpose. I do not claim that I am absolutely right,but I have my own strongly held opinion,just as (I'm sure) almost everyone has.