Originally Posted by Lou_Para
Strictly speaking only about the JFK hit,I feel that there is sufficient evidence to support the fact fact that Oswald was the only shooter,and that he acted alone. However, just like eastsideofvan, at one time I supported the conspiracy theory. After researching and separating actual evidence from speculation I revised my opinion.He mentioned a great source: Bugliosi's book "Reclaiming History" I would strongly urge people to pick up a copy. As he mentioned it is a ponderous read (over 1500 pages),but it is the most thoroughly researched and unbiased account I've ever seen. Bugliosi provides citations from a number of sources,copies of actual documents,and independently verifiable accounts of the characters,background,and related events surrounding that day. He also methodically debunks virtually every common conspiracy theory with the same non-biased approach. I'm not claiming that my version is right or wrong,but I'll wager that if a person is in the "conspiracy corner",this book may well make them rethink their position. PS. I lucked out and got a copy on clearance at 1/2 price books, but once I finished it I would have gladly paid full price.

Thanks for the recommendation. It's been a while since I read something on Kennedy. Was going to get a kindle version (better price than 115 bucks....lol) but just found a print version at thriftbooks. Looking forward to reading it especially considering I'm still a supporter of the conspiracy theory. I'm like those memes you see "change my mind"...lol.....~LisaB