But what evidence would show that Oswald couldn't have done it?

Originally Posted by NYMafia
Eastside, that's the real beauty of these conspiracies. 50-60 years later and NO ONE truly has a clue about JFK, RFK, MLK, Colombo, etc.

If anybody still thinks that some lone whacko, or some numb skull pulled ANY of these off by themselves, then with all do respect to you and like minded thinkers, I've got a bridge in Brooklyn I'll sell ya for $24.

Rabbi Kahane? I'm not so sure the fee-bees were involved in that one. But JFK, RFK, Colombo, Sam Giancana and Roselli. In my view, were all conspiracies that can be logically laid at the G's doorstep for one reason or another.

Either FBI, CIA, rogues in those agencies, (or approved plots that came directly from the top), etc.