I understand where you are coming from, in so far as the I understand you appear to take a conspiratorial view of the government, and that is not entirely without entitlement. After all, we know the government can engage in conspiracy from time to time because we have ironclad proof of that - the Watergate incident being a clear example.

That being said, I think it's a hell of a stretch to lay all those infamous crimes at the feet of the FBI. I don't know enough about Colombo's shooting, or about Malcolm X's, to comment specifically with respect to what happened on those days.

But I know a lot about the Kennedy ones and enough about MLK to be confident in all three official stories.

That might sound naive to you, but I've actually stood in that window on the sixth floor of Dealey Plaza. That was not a difficult shot. If I'm being told to kill the president, then there is no question that the grassy knoll is the better shot of the two...but it doesn't mean it couldn't have been done from the Texas School Book Depository. You've got the two coworkers on the fifth floor who heard the shell casings hit the floor. You have the coworker he drove in with that day who saw him carry a package of "curtain rods" upstairs with him. Most of what has been suggested about Oswald's intelligence training has been greatly exaggerated based on only very small kernels of truth. Vincent Bugliosi's book "Reclaiming History" - if you can make it through all 1500 pages, is an excellent summation of the myths that have arisen over the years to suggest a conspiracy and a systematic debunking of them one by one.

I say all this as someone who believed in the conspiracy for years. But when I really challenged those views, they simply did not hold up to scrutiny.

In addition to Bugliosi's book, the Warren Report itself is another great source. Most people who believe in the conspiracy will spit at it's very mention...but oddly enough, I have found that most who do haven't bothered to actually read it.

Oliver Stone made a wonderful movie which I love for the performances, the score, the perfect capture of the look of the era and for how it got people talking about the event, but do not be sucked into using it as research material.

If we go back to Watergate as proof of the government being known to engage in conspiracy, ask yourself this: if the President cannot facilitate the burglary of a hotel room a few blocks from the White House, what are the odds that the Vice President had the President killed and nobody said a thing?

Happy to debate this respectfully; or if anyone would prefer instead to call me a stupid sheeple we could just as soon not debate it.

PS--- on one of my many trips to Dallas I also ate at Campisi's, the restaurant owned by the at the time Underboss of the Dallas mob! Campisi as you may know was the first man to visit Jack Ruby in jail. It's still owned by the Campisi family. Another little bit of American LCN trivia.

Originally Posted by NYMafia
First of all. Let me say that I want all of you guys to step back a moment, clear your heads of any preconceived notions you have about WHO killed Colombo. And just marvel at the fact that he was shot and incapacitated back in 1971. It 2021.... it 50 years later and NOBODY has a single clue who really clipped him.

Thats EXACTLY what the conspirators wanted! .... 50,000 plus people present. hundreds of uniformed cops swarming all over the place. Not to mention NYPD detectives, and FBI agents mingling with the crowd. Remember too that the FBI WAS recording film footage from several angles high up in skyscrapers that had a clear view of the podium, platform where Joe was standing and glad-handing people, and scanning the crows for "known" or "reputed" mafia figures to identify. REMEMBER THAT POINT. BECAUSE ITS VERY IMPORTANT.

Press credentials, commercial camera, gun that had been in the police property clerks rooms earlier, black girl who disappears a moment after Joe is shot. Makes a clear getaway although she is probably the only other black people among a sea of white faces.etc etc....... Why can't the FBI (why didn't the FBI) just check their films of that day? They could have tracked the black girls movements through the crowd in a hot minute. They could have seen where she went. Who she went with? WTF?........that fact alone is huge. Absence of investigation. A FBI coverup from the get-go. What ever happened to those films??

News releases by the FBI and LE that the Gallo gang is responsible for the shooting (with no proof I may add). Joe Gallo sends word ASAP that he denies having anything to do with it. This is a classic, time honored method of deflecting suspicion from the real killers.

In truth, Joey Gallo couldn't find his own ass with both hands, let alone orchestrate a "hit"... more than a hit, an "assassination" of this caliber. In fact, none of the New York Mafia could. The Colombo "assassination" reeks of government involvement. From cradle to grave (literally). It has the G's fingerprints all over it, regardless of how they tried to deflect a shining light from them. And in retrospect, 50 years later, after all the smoke has cleared from the room, it becomes crystal clear in my mind at least.

Law enforcement NEVER follows up on leads. They just wash everybody's face for a few weeks and then its forgotten about.

J. Johnson is reported to have a few cancelled checks from Lucchese associate Joe Brocchini when detectives make the obligatory "search" of his room. It means less than zero. It was a half-ass attempt to tie JJ to the mob. Supposedly he worked at one of Brocchini's Black Jack Book Stores in Times Square for a few weeks previously.

And I tell you this (From personal experience with friends). Nearly all Colombo soldiers and capos were spooked by what happened. Everybody started carrying guns on a daily basis. Because they didn't know where it came from. If it WAS a mob hit, word from the bosses would have eventually come down to calm the troops and explain the killing of a boss. THAT is Cosa Nostra. There is always an accounting between them. Especially when they kill a boss.........but THEY didn't kill him!

And I hate to say it, but a lot of these guys are not brain surgeons. They don't have the art of deduction. And in that era of turmoil, nobody even cared to sit down and think it out. Most (like all of you), just figured Gallo did it (with Gambinos' blessing).

If you fellas have learned anything at all about the mob. Anything! You should realize by now that the mafia doesn't kill that way. Especially a top boss. Especially one who has nearly every news camera, television station, reporter, and law enforcement personnel "on the very scene" of the potential hit location. Are all of you nuts?? LOL

Many were growing disillusioned by Joe Colombo; members of his own family, those in other families, and Carlo Gambino himself. They felt the "heat" that was being brought down on all of them was very counterproductive to Cosa Nostra....and they were right of course!

In the previous year or so, the feds were breaking everybody's balls tremendously. Plus you gotta remember that only Joe Colombo was making any money from this cash cow called The Italian-American Civil Rights League."

It was very profitable, yet it belonged to him alone. He wasn't sharing the wealth. So what were the other bosses getting out of it? Zero thats what! So Gambino sent out word pulling back his support of Colombo's league. Others did as well. But that DOES NOT MEAN that they killed him.

During that last year Colombo had been buried under multiple indictments; major gambling charges, 2 contempt of court charges in Kings and Nassau Counties, and a jewel robbery conspiracy out on Long Island. He was definitely in trouble.

But the FBI hated him with a passion. So did their boss J.Edgar Hoover. For them, it had gotten VERY personal. Very, very personal indeed. And they wanted revenge. So did the Justice Department back in Washington. It was the Civil Rights Era. And the G was all fucked up from getting "backed up" by all these various civil rights groups. Colombo was in the very forefront of that movement. Nobody had ever fucked with them the way that Joe Colombo had. Ever!

Colombo had made them all look like fools. From J.Edgar right on down the line. The FBI had a hatred for him second to none.

He was a "symbol" more than anything. A symbol that the government wanted desperately to extinguish. Permanently! Not with a bullshit jailing where he would still be able to spout his BS about them. He had "de-balled" them.

No longer could they use the words Mafia, Cosa Nostra, The Brotherhood, Capo, soldier, underboss, consigliere, etc. etc. He had 'DE-BALLED' them. Get it fellas???

While he stayed in power all of their hands would be tied behind their backs. And their mouths taped and shut tight!.... The FBI could not allow that. Under any circumstances.

JFK, RFK, MLK, Malcolm X, etc.... Remember the "grassy knoll" theory?? LOL .....and also Rabbi Meir Kahane's assassination. Who was a very close friend of Colombo. They supported each others causes. The JDL, and the IACRL. The civil rights era was turning the "status quo" in America on its head. And there was NO greater figure who represented that, than Joe Colombo to them. Each of the names I mention above were killed under very mysterious circumstances. The way they were each killed is almost singular in their Modus Operandi to Joe Colombo's shooting.

Does it not ring a bell to all of you? The bell of truth??........ I make the statement here and now, that most, if not ALL of those killings (assassinations really), was the work of the government.

The FBI HAD to put a stop to them all. THEY JUST HAD TOO! And they did! ...Once and for all, permanently.

There is a lot more that I could say on this subject fellas, but enough is enough already.

.............I rest my case fellas! "TheOG"

PS: It is serious food for thought.

Last edited by eastsideofvan; 02/12/21 04:18 PM.