I was in Montreal, maybe six weeks prior to Ducarme being murdered, it was so messed when I went down there.

I was asking around about a couple things, including MOM, even went to TriStar to do some MMA, be seen, etc. I couldn't get anyone to even really talk with me, or point me in the direction of anyone who could help. The strangest thing was the Algerians, which I have now found out are big in Toronto, had something to do with the Mosque (wahhabi), which I think is ISIS.

Are the Asians big in Montreal, like Toronto and BC? Reason being, I knew a guys' who bro was BCB, like over 20 years ago, and that maybe they are the ones who actually killed Ducarme? Turned out that they are apparently big into Heroin via Rizzuto, I haven't been back to Montreal since, just because it was so strange!!


In Sicily, women are more dangerous than the shotgun.