Originally Posted by Friend_of_Henry
I agree if for no other reason that at that time there were not the ex-Special OPS guys out for hire. No doubt this was a very sophisticate hit for sure!

Yep!......... JFK, RFK, MLK, Malcolm X, etc., etc., ... and Colombo.

If you notice in that particular era, civil rights era, rabble rousers.... they all got hit in the head. And ALL of them under mysterious circumstance.

The "old boys" network of the USA, wanted to keep the status quo. Anybody who ruffled their feathers the way ALL of these men did in their own unique way.... led to these FBI/CIA type "executions"

If you really think about it, its shocking to think that's what the G did back then. It was a different world.

Last edited by NYMafia; 02/10/21 09:11 PM.