Luigi, you sure sound like one helluva dangerous guy to me! Even though you say you were more a thief than I killer, WOW, shooting that guy square in the face. In the forehead?? That takes some big balls!

I think that most all of us are extremely impressed by your tremendous mafia pedigree. Not to mention all the drugs and beautiful women you banged in your life. Impressive, I must say!..... and recording a record too? Wow. What a guy!!
Just one thing if I may. So growing up in Canarise as you say (I always thought it was spelled Canarsie), in a flat (you mean a house don't you?) with your mum (to us Americans she's called a mom) and dad..... by the way, few Americans refer to it as a "wank" ..... we also don't say "old boy", we just say "old man"........ there's a few more, but I think you get the idea by now, no Luigi?? Lol

Ciao Cucuzza!