I can answer all those questions. 1) Why do I live in Florida? I had a bank account all those years ago and I left money in there. I was involved in heroin all those years ago and I was a big earner. When I got out as an old man, Canarise had changed. Full of ni**ers (excuse any black readers) I have extremely pain in my right leg and I’m a type 1 diabetic, so there was no way at 80 when I got out I was gonna re-join the life, so I took the money I had, all I was given and moved to Florida. I have a nice flat. I used to love Florida in the sixties. I was made Valentines evening 1956! I was a recruit since I was 14/15. I was a crazy kid, I used to rob the milkmen on payday 😂 It was a good earner. Freddy Eppolito, my capo, Sleepy Barcellona and Epifanio Orio got me into drugs. But I wasn’t just selling it I was MAD on drugs, injecting it, smoking it. I was a crazy kid. In those days you got whores on street corners, they’d say, you looking for business? I’d take them to my flat with fuck loads of drugs for like 24 hours 😂.I didn’t just like drugs, I loved them. I could’ve got killed. I was made in the back of a restaurant valentines evening 2956. I got made with Jovanni DiRiggi and Giuseppe Risoaldi. Neither is anywhere online. I can’t believe the Eppolitos also are not online, especially Ralphie. Anyway, when I got made, Agar happened, I had a couple if shops and a clothes shop and I worked there every day as it was my best earning shop. I didn’t work in the shop, I was in an office behind, where I’d plan stuff etc. Anyway, I didn’t drive after a car crash, put me off cars. So I left work and my capo picked me up and said I’m gonna take you home, I want you to put on your best suit. I wasn’t told I’m getting straightened out, but I had a feeling, I got changed, I got taken to a hall behind a restaurant and there was a room behind there. When I got there Jovanni and Giuseppe are there also suited up. So I was first called in. Carlo wasn’t there, my capo was, another capo and Aniello. I had to offer my trigger finger, it was sliced. Now, I have a bleeding problem, so there was blood everywhere on the carpet. That didn’t go down well! Anyway, it was much like you see in movies, I was given a religious Saint, it was burned by matches and they said if I betray my oath, I will burn like the Saint. I never did betray omertà. And that was it, I was made. Being made is an amazing thing, because other family members look at you different. It’s hard to put into English, il cielo!! So that was that then 13 years later it was all over for me, prison. As for why at 87, I check the internet, yes I’m 87, my eyes are bad, but I missed internet, computers, Facebook etc. I’m making the most of it. In jail, I became a genius, reading books on evolution. I’m a catholic, but I am an atheist, I believe in evolution. I don’t think a god exists. All the historians alive when Jesus supposedly was, never mentioned him. Same for Mohammed. You can say, I wasted 43 years or you can say, I became enlightened

L Dimatti