You must remember RC, that Sonny had gone through 4 previous cases back to back before he was indicted on the bank robbery where he got the 50. He had a murder case, bookmaking case, extortion case, and home invasion robbery of a vending machine executive case. He was lucky enough to beat each one by the skin of his teeth.

Plus he was being trailed 24/7 for several years already. And had so much heat from 3 earlier grand juries empaneled that he knew he was hot as a firecracker.

So even though he was eventually "set up" by the FBI, he knew it could come. He knew it WOULD come, if he didn't change his MO. After he fell and did the 9 years and got paroled. He WAS TOLD, time and again from his mob buddies, his contemporaries, his family, and even some in LE to change his style. He was already pushing 60 and could have laid back, still earned, and avoided prison by having his subordinates go to the front. But THAT was not his style and he paid dearly.

Then he was violated and did 2 years. He did it all over again. He got 8 years..... Then 4 years.... Then 2 years..., then 2 years,... then more 8 years..... Then, at 93???

He falls again! and did another 8 years.....WTF!.... I don't care if your Lucky Luciano, Vito Genovese, or Carlo Gambino. Who the fuck does that?? And I don't wanna hear that that way his "life" because it was Carlo Gambino's life too!

And Tommy Lucchese's, and Joe Bonanno's, and Cockeyed Phil Lombardo's, and so on and so on...etc etc. You didn't see them tripping over their dicks they way Sonny did. Or running head first (repeatedly I might add), into brick walls!

Nearly ALL his jail sentences could have been avoided if he payed attention and heeded friends warnings. And when he did fall, it wouldn't have been for 40 years! Total! Total! stupidity up and down the line with him!