Originally Posted by Malavita
Gravano, who was around the Colombos at the time, said that Joe Gallo reached out to the Colombo administration to tell them that it was not him. He said that he was at war with Joe Colombo and he was looking to kill him but he wasn't behind the shooting.

Has it ever been confirmed (joe Gallo reaching out) ? As far as I know Gravano is the only one saying that but I think it's interesting. I don't see why he would make up such a story.

Franzese who was with the League at the times, said it was Joe Gallo but i doubt he was really involved in the investigation so i would assume he is just relaying what the Colombo guys were saying at the time.

PS: what is the other board you're talking about ? I only know about this board.


What I find interesting about the Colombo murder are these points:

Franzese claims he was standing next to Colombo when he was shot. He's said this on various videos. Yet, on other videos he says he was by the stairs of the stage getting brochures to pass out when Colombo was shot. I don't 'believe Colombo was by the stage...but further in Columbus Circle. So, how could he be at both places? In addition, was he ever questioned by the cops?

Plus, they never interviewed the cops that had Johnson and how did that guy get shot in police custody?

And the gun that was used to kill Colombo was a gun that was in police evidence months before.

In addition, if you look at the picture Johnson had that huge camera in his hands right BEFORE Colombo was shot, so he would have had to put the camera down and get the gun out of the camera's case in a second which is impossible. And what did they find on that camera film? Was there anything there?


Last edited by NYMafia; 02/07/21 01:07 PM.