Another one of these threads *rollseyes*

Last time I checked, if you feel you got something interesting to say, you're free to post and the quantity of another member's post should not have any effect on this.

Ravens410, you joined in October 2016 and you have 168 posts, Zavattoni joined in April 2014 and has 602's not like you guys were posting much yourself anyway. And that's ok, you can post as much or as little as you like, but I find it weird you're being annoyed by another member's quantity of posts because you feel this "will stop newcomers from posting" while you guys haven't been adding much yourselves throughout the years. NYMafia joined in 2019...what was stopping you guys from adding content all these years when NYMafia wasn't on this board?
If you got something interesting to add, no one's stopping you.