Originally Posted by Ravens410
NYMafia, I’m not ‘attacking’ you. I appreciate your content but honestly you have flooded this board and it’s annoying. I honestly suggest you ask the mods for an NYMafia pinned thread where you can post all your articles and research for everyone to enjoy. You need to stop taking things so personal. And to be frank, you calling other posters ‘losers with no life’ is very hypocritical. You are on this board all day responding to trolls.

What's wrong with you guys these days? Have you become over sensitive due to today's atmosphere. We used to annihilate each other over on the old AM and RD forum and chalked it up to busting balls. You don't like NYMafia and she or he or whoever is annoying you and gets under your skin just go off on them or ignore them. What's this is cancel culture coming to a God damn mob forum now?