Originally Posted by Louiebynochi
To follow up on this are you gonna touch on more about Sally Burns who was a convicted child molester and big loan shark or Paul Castellano who was a huge loan shark, who sex trafficked children. Or Robert Dibenardo who was a big loan shark and sex trafficked and pimped out children for grown men to fuck?? What about Allie Boy Persico, he had his mistress murdered and chopped up because she might have known his location and told the feds, after he demanded all the money and jewelry back he had given her..An innocent young 30 year old girl, this man of honor who was over 40 when he started dating her and she was 16.....notice a pattern here? I think we all have a certain fascination for the power and mystique of the mob but once you really get into the research and go beyond the media hype, you realize these people especially the made members and higher ups were uneducated, completely ruthless and completely evil people who perpetuated an evil lifestyle.. and that they’re power wasn’t rooted in business smarts but was rooted in organization and most of all being completely devoid of any morals and committing violence including murder without a second thought.. the power was rooted in the ability to snap an arm without a second thought, the ability to baseball bat a 110 pound woman and not bat an eye, and most of all the ability to murder theyre sons, brothers and brother in laws without a second thought and then follow that up by lying to they’re own family about it without losing a wink of sleep or having remorse even for a second....

No question that everything you're mentioning is indicative of some of the more demented,twisted examples of Mob scumbags.
However, the original point of this thread is what some guys did to collect shylock loans.
None of what you mentioned had anything to do with that.