History is replete with events that took place that were not sanctioned, or even brought to the attention of the so-called Commission. Obviously! Dating back as early as 1930s Pittsburg, where the Volpe brothers got clipped by John Bazzano, who was later massacred for his indiscretion when he visited Brooklyn. Or Anastasia clipping the Mangano brothers in 1951. There are many incidents that we can point to.

But as I stated earlier, these particular incidents, if you pay attention, were mostly "intra-family" affairs. I seriously doubt any sane leader, or leaders, would pull such a stunt as far as Jimmy Hoffa's disappearance and presumed murder.

The Hoffa killing greatly affected many top borgatas throughout ALL of Cosa Nostra in the United States at that time. NO boss would ever wantonly incur the rathe of the entire Brotherhood with such a foolhardy and dangerous stunt.

It would be tantamount to spitting in the face of every other sitting leader (and their entire Family membership for that matter.) Ain't gonna happen!

And if it did, that boss, and whoever else conspired with him, would be quickly deposed and killed. Period!

Similar to Philadelphia after Bruno's murder. But quite frankly, The Hoffa incident would have been MUCH more of a Tornado than Bruno. Remember that Bruno only affected Philly. Hoffa was national in scope.

HIs killing had the potential to greatly destabilize the finances and earnings of many bosses, even though Hoffa was already technically out of office at the time. Their safety as well.