Originally Posted by Lenox
Its just that Gene puts everybody down.. example, he would say someone faught with their hands but they werent a real gangster because they never killed anyone or shot anyone. Wtf does that mean!
He talks about such and such made a ton of money but he wasnt a gangster because he didnt kill anyone. Thats fuckin ridiculous.
Who would the mob guys rather have, a guy making millions or a killer or shooter? Lets be real. Borello comes across as a black gangbanger to be honest.
He talks about being people being “internet tough guys” if someone challenges what he says. He has a podcast and blatantly makes public comments about people. Of course people are going to respond to him..
He talks about Truccio playing dress up and says he is a nobody.. maybe he is a nobody to Borello. Truccio is a young kid. Leave him alone..wtf!
Borello needs to get in a boxing ring or on a wrestling mat with someone his own size. You know, someone with just a little fighting experience.
Wonder what his fighting skills are? He cant bring a gun or a ski mask though.

Lenox, I completely agree with your assessment of him. On every level. He's a jerk off, who reminds me of a typical punk. Big mouth, not a single brain in his head. Who has absolutely nothing going for him. Zero!.... and never did.

The only thing a bum like this could possibly do is sell and use drugs, sneak people to rob them, or to carry a gun trying to act like a big man. He's a street urchin. A earth slug!

And at the end of the day? He didn't make 3 cents, went to jail repeatedly, and then became a rat. Period! He's not even worth discussing.

The guy is a complete loser, a brokester and a bum.