Originally Posted by DetroitPartnership
It appears DM made an effort to have sources on the other side of LE, unlike JC who is a stenographer for the FBI. BUT, Hoffa didn't leave Michigan and his body immediately incinerated or put through a meat auger in the Eastern Market. Detroit did the hit and no one from N.J. was there; it makes zero sense to be there. Trusted Hoffa associate Tony G. was enough to lure him into the car. And yes, maybe Sheeran was there, also.

I have to agree. Why would Tony Pro, Sally Bugs, Gabe and Steve Andretta, or any other NY/NJ guy need to fly to Detroit? Why? Why? Detroit doesn't have enough capable killers? Lol, Of course they do!

The ONLY reason why Pro would have had to be there was if the "meeting" was under the pretext of making nice, making amends between Pro and Hoffa in order to lure him in.

But even under that scenario they could just say that Tony Pro, Tony Giacalone, and company are waiting in the house were the meeting is to take place in order to "lure" Hoffa into the death car. Period!

Its called "gangland slayings 101"....basic common sense. Either way, it's a very small point at best.

Jimmy Hoffa was whacked right in Detroit and either buried in a hole with lime, thrown in a vat of acid right there, or brought to a funeral home that a local wiseguy owned and burned up ASAP. A fourth option was to crush him in a car and throw him in a landfill.......... destroy all evidence, quickly, and efficiently.

But for my money, considering that Zerilli, Tony Pro, Tony Jack, and Funzuola damn well knew that this disappearance and potential homicide would draw the ire of every law enforcement agency in the country...... his body was totally destroyed, as completely and as "quickly" as possible! End of Hoffa, End of story!

You AIN'T taking the chance of hauling a dead man, especially a national figure (a murder victim no less) like Jimmy Hoffa 1,000 miles so you can plant him in the "end zone" of Giants Stadium, or put him in a vat of acid, or plant him in a field with "Brother Moscato!"

And with all due respect to "Dan Moldea," ..... Fuck him and his theory!.... He's a journalist, a writer, that's know less than "Zero" about the mob and how things REALLY work.

It's almost comical that after almost 45 years this debate is still going on! It's actually a testament to the "efficiency" of Cosa Nostra at that time.

The Hoffa disappearance has become one of the biggest mysteries of modern times..... He's another Big Foot!

now THAT'S Cosa Nostra at its finest!... or deadliest!

And if what I've just said is not enough to convince the naysayers, consider and remember this... When wiseguys commit a murder, especially when they're gonna clip a guy as high profile as internationally known Teamsters Leader Jimmy Hoffa. Knowing the fallout and "heat" thats coming their way. They are gonna involve as few mafiosi as possible. Made guys or no made guys doesn't even matter. They're gonna look to limit their "exposure."

That means using as few people as possible to get the job done! The Hoffa hit was approved by the Commission (obviously), and carried out by Joe Zerilli's' crew, under the watchful eye of the Genovese hierarchy and several other top bosses in NYC (maybe)!!!!

This wasn't a walk in the park. And they knew that. They ain't inviting 93 hoods to jump into the mix...... You think the bosses are stupid? Or crazy??

Last edited by NYMafia; 01/30/21 05:25 PM.