Originally Posted by Galassi70
Its ok. I give the guy credit who wrote it because trying to
Get anykind of info on John Scalish is like trying to
Get water out of a desert.
Very very secretive mob boss. Very few pics of him.compared to
Other bosses of that era.
Alot of the book.details how conflicted he was in being
A mob boss. He was a straight up.family man.
No mistress, no.girlfriend. He never went to nightclubs
He spent his leisure time with his family or fishing in Lake Erie
Canada or Mexico.
32 year reign as boss. Not one attempt on his life.
He allowed his guys like Lonardo Milano and Brancato
To earn as much as they could.
He even laid off the policy racket.

Thanks to him the family was almost disbanded after the war with Greene and the Lonardo flipping because he doesnt want to induct people and even wanted to skim the casinos. Who should want to kill him? He did nothing in this 32 years.