Originally Posted by Blackmobs
Cocaine and heroin are probably two of the most well known drugs in the world. Many organized crime groups sells those drugs in many part of the world. Some organization sell the two drugs, but some are more well known then others.
In America (East Coast, Westcoast) who the top dogs in the cocaine buisness? And who are the top dogs in the heroin buisness?

How the two games (cocaine et heroin) are different?
Will an organization make more money with cocaine or heroin? Wich one is more difficult to smuggle?
With cocaine, street gangs could make crack and make profit with it. But what about heroin?

In America, it will be Mexican Transnational DTOs as the primary wholesale distribution. Next will be major American DTOs .

They differ on market principle & timeframe. Specificcities have a consumer base around heroin ( ex; Chicago/ St Louis / New Orleans) & others cocaine (ex; Los Angeles/ Memphis/ Jackson).
I think both are equally difficult to smuggle. Street gangs are poly drugtrafficking groups so coke , crack, heroin, mdma , etc will all be distributed.

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