Originally Posted by furio_from_naples
The cocaine is considerated a drug party that make you happy and is seen as a sign of richness,the crack was created for sell 50k of coke a 1 dollar a dose to hundred of thousand junkies.
In italy we have the kobrett that is made with the wastes of the process to make heroin from opium.

The coke ring made more money and the heroin is seen as "bad" drug because the junkies are seen as zombies that risk everyday to getcthe AIDS from dirty needles.

Heroin is the worst of the worst. If you've ever known anyone who succumbed to heroin, then you know. It literally makes zombies out of people. It's nearly impossible to rid yourself of, and they become shells of their former selves. Horrible shit. Anybody who sells that shit to people should be hung by their balls. There is NO excuse for it.