Originally Posted by GerryLang
Originally Posted by TonyBombassolo
I heard a rumor that the Demeo crew was behind the hit on Joseph Abinanti any thoughts on this?

In one of Christie Tick Furnari's appeals to get out of prison it states the Government believes he was involved/behind the attempted murder of Joseph Abinanti. That seems strange though, as Abinanti helped with the Dilapi murder. I think that info must have come from Casso, because one of the other murders mentioned in the appeal is Lee Schleifer, who I believe was murdered by Casso on orders of Furnari. Casso was probably involved in the Abinanti being he was Furnari's go to guy for work during that time period.


When Al D'arco met that really old Italian guy in Vario's crew he told Al he'd be available for a piece of work if he needed him, even though he probably couldn't walk 20 feet.

Fantastic share that showcases the government's hypocrisy in regards to Gaspipe.

Here they happily cite his testimony to keep people in jail, but ignore it when it conflicted with Sammy the Rat's testiomony vs Gotti.

"the Parole Commission finds the information from the U.S. Attorney's Office on your personal responsibility for several of the murders (victims Schleifer, Taglianetti, and DeCicco) and attempted murder (victim Abinanti) to be credible and reliable, even though much of the information may have come from Anthony Casso, one of the most violent members of your organization"

so is that information available in testimony somewhere? Because it looks to me like the government is attempting to introduce evidence in a probationary hearing that isnt a matter of record per cross-examined testimony.

Also lets remember Gaspipe had no problem using the Demo crew....he used them for the Reznikov murder.

Last edited by TonyBombassolo; 12/13/20 02:10 PM.