Enrico Nicoletti, the cashier of Magliana died: “Many secrets are dying. It was he who brought together the leaders of the Mafia, Camorra and 'Ndrangheta "
He entered the gang in the seventies, making the illicit profits that came from criminal activities yield through an "articulated money laundering activity". The memory of the prosecutor Lupacchini: "He was arrogant, during an interrogation he demanded a tea and complained about the poor quality of the pastries"

by FQ | 6 DECEMBER 2020
He will be buried in his native town, in Colli, the hamlet of Monte San Giovanni Campano ( Frosinone ) of which he was originally from. To give the last farewell to Enrico Nicoletti , the man who has been indicated by several inquiries as the cashier of the Banda della Magliana , there will be the closest members of his family. Nicoletti died on December 5 in a clinic in Rome. He was 84 years old and suffered from serious health problems.

Nicoletti's "criminal career" had begun in the 1960s , when he was making money from the money entrusted to him by the inhabitants of his neighborhood in Centocelle. Then in the seventies he joined the Banda della Magliana . From robberies to kidnappings , from the control of gambling and horse betting to drug trafficking: in a short time the gang had taken over all the criminal activities of the capital. And Nicoletti made the profits yield, "cleaning up" the money and reinvesting the illicit capital of the members.

"He is a man who represented an important moment in the collateralism of criminal organizations to maximize their profits, through articulated recycling activities - said the magistrate Otello Lupacchini , who has long investigated the Banda della Magliana - He was the collector of more criminal worlds , with undoubted links with politics and public administration “. With Nicoletti " secrets about many of the activities he carried out are dying , starting from the intervention he had in the context of the kidnapping Cirillo for the payment of the famous ransom- continues Lupacchini - He had relations with everyone. Once it was he who succeeded in putting the leaders of the Camorra, Mafia, 'Ndrangheta and Magliana around a table “. Lupacchini had the opportunity to question him several times during the investigations. “He was an arrogant type - he recalls - During an interrogation he demanded that he be offered tea and complained about the poor quality of the pastries “, concludes the magistrate.

Nicoletti loved ostentatious luxury. He was the owner of Villa Osio , a complex of the late thirties surrounded by greenery, in via di Porta Ardeatina , later confiscated and destined by the Capitol as the seat of the Casa del Jazz . Nicoletti had transformed it into a sort of palace, with marble, stucco and whirlpools with gold taps . Nicoletti is also referred to as a character linked to the last leader of the Magliana Band, Enrico De Pedis , known as Renatino, killed in 1990. He also inherited some real estate from the boss .

"The king is dead, long live the king!"