Originally Posted by WhackWhack
Vinny Basciano was ahead of the time. Even back in his run as AB way before technology has gotten super crazy he was already fully on the everybody must strip naked and then wear a bath robe even the old men capos. And they all god offended and mad and cried to Massino about it. But Basciano showed me right there if he didn't get railroaded he could have revived the Bonannos big time.

Because at the end it was the old time capos who got offended who ended up ratting and taking em all down...Coppa,Shellackhead, Tartaglione, Etc.

Yeah, Vinny was way ahead of his time. If Massino and Cicale had kept their disgusting mouths shut, my man would be free today. He was already a top player in his area by the early '80s